Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014-06-11: 1/2 mile south of Blue Mtn Lakes Road

Start: Backpacker Campsite #2, Washington State Forest
Stop: 1/2 mile south of Blue Mtn Lakes Road
Daily Mileage: 12.5
Total Mileage: 247.4

Sunfish Pond, the southern most glacial lake on the AT. I had been looking forward to seeing this ever since I read it in the Thru-Hikers Companion -- I've never seen a glacial pond before. The Trail came down to the waters edge and skirted the lake -- often times only a foot away from the water -- for the entire western edge of the lake.

Three of the orange salamanders I like so much. There's one to the left, one at the top of the picture, and one on the right and partially obscured by a leaf.

A fire tower owned and managed by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFSS). In Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, we were hikers are able to climb many of the towers but not here. The NJFSS had several signs with stern warnings to stay off.

The Trail going straight as an arrow and level. Plus, there were no rocks. Hopefully, the agony and annoyance that was the rocky surface of the Trail in Pennsylvania will fade from memory.

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