Saturday, June 7, 2014

2014-06-07: Dunnfield Creek Natural Area

Start: 1/2 mile north of Kirkridge Shelter
Stop: Dunnfield Creek Natural Area
Daily Mileage: 7.3
Total Mileage: 230.5

Bogey posing in front of Edge of the Woods Outfitters as we come into Delaware Water Gap. This picture is the result of a standing bit between us which began a few weeks ago. At that time, I hoped she would offer to take my picture as we looked out on a beautiful scene -- she was already snapping pictures anyway. As she continued to frame and snap pictures, I kept inching my way into the scene, posing as I did so. At some point, she got my hint and asked, "Are you trying to tell me you want me to take your picture?!" Now, on occasion, one of us will edge into the other's photograph efforts and pose until the other gets the hint, "Take my picture!"

Edge of the Woods Outfitters, at which we stopped to pick up my phone, which had been recovered and mailed to me by Bogey's parents. Any outfitter is a pleasing sight and destination for hikers. In addition to being able to get our hands on hiking-specific gear, it's nice to be around people that actually understand our situation and the Trail. Outfitters are a big part of the hiking and Appalachian Trail community and can offer all types of information and suggestions.

A bakery and farmers stand in Delaware Water Gap at which we stopped for lunch. Their claim to fame is the $2.99 hot dog and apple pie combination. Bogey and I opted instead for barbecue sandwiches and some side dishes, as I rarely see barbecue up here.

Our view as we enter New Jersey through Delaware Water Gap. The camera doesn't come close to capturing the ruggedness of the mountains.

Me, running to beat Bogey to the state line.

Mile Marker 0, on the bridge over the Delaware River, and marking the Pennsylvania/New Jersey state line.
My foot, after the athletic tape removed large chunks of skin from my foot. Our theory is that the tape pulled on the skin all day, which was soft due to being soaked in my boot for days due to unending rain, and ultimately caused a set of blisters which popped. When I removed the tape, the tape pulled the blistered skin away. (Over the next few days, we'll see a little bruising plus my foot will swell.)

Bogey's Uncle Fred minding the fire and dinner. He's incredibly knowledgeable about history -- especially New Jersey history -- and we enjoyed all the stories and tidbits he told us.

Bogey looking happy not to be walking for a bit. Her Aunt Cindy is in the background.

"Door Slammin' Chicken" being cooked in a cast iron Dutch oven over hot coals by Bogey's Uncle Fred.

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