Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2014-05-21: Boiling Springs, PA

Start: Mt Holly, PA
Stop: Boiling Springs, PA
Day's Mileage: 8.8 miles
Trip Total: 57.0 miles

A road crossing. The day was misty and we were afraid it might rain. Rain isn't a big deal; it's more of a nuisance.

A turtle Bogey found.

One of handful of plaques found on the Trail. Such plaques often commemorate a particularly hardworking or otherwise memorable trail supporter.

Our first Cumberland Valley farm. Camping in the Cumberland Valley is very limited due to the development in the area. Our only opportunity for camping in this section is in a field outside the next town.

Bogey, trudging between farm fields. The Trail here is fairly obvious but is also marked with white blazes painted on 4-by-4 posts stuck in the ground. Bogey doesn't particularly enjoy the farms but I like them as a change of pace.

Someone's dogs eying us as we enter Boiling Springs, PA.

The town of Boiling Springs, PA. It was a cute town with a large pond in the middle. After surveying the field where we were allowed to pitch camp, we opted to try a motel in town. The field smelled of manure, looked like the perfect place for a host of ticks, and just seemed dismal, especially in this weather. Also, we miscalculated our food and we'd need to stop in town anyway to get supplies. It's unfortunate, though, that we're doing motels two nights in a row, as it's costly and seems in a sense as if we're cheating. We promise ourselves to better manage our supplies and stretch our our towns stops from here on out.

A mother duck and her ducklings in the park.

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