Monday, May 26, 2014

2014-05-26: 4 miles north of I-81 Underpass

Start: Cold Spring Shelter
Stop: 4 miles north of I-81 Underpass
Day's Mileage: 12.9
Trip Total: 122.2 miles

The bridge that once supported the railroad built to move coal from the old mine. The Trail was easy walking for a bit as it followed the rail bed.

A description of village past the coal mine. "The village of Rausch Gap stood here from 1828 to 1910. Peak population of 1000+ people. Industries were coal mining and railroad equipment repair. The mines were not productive and the railraod moved its operations in 1872."

Another marker memorializing a trail maintainer and hiker.

A sign describing a lime filter built into a creek bed. The lime lowered the pH balance of the water and made it safer for wildlife. This technique of damming a stream and forcing the water down and through a pack of limestone originated in Sweden. This particular installation in Pennsylvania was the first such filter in the United States. It's pretty cool what you can find on the Trail.

The Trail as it heads over a meadow on a mountain ridge. This scene reminded me of the balds we saw in Virginia.

A steel bridge over the Swatara River. We'll see iron structure by the same iron bridge construction company farther north on the Trail. Bogey and I took a few moments to take off our boots and cool our feet in the river under the bridge. We also ran into Trouble, another hiker we met a few days ago. He's thru-hiking for the second time and promising that this time he'll stop and smell the roses.

Bogey, studying her notes next the campfire.

Warming our feet by the fire. Campfires are often referred to as "hiker TV" since they provide the focus and main source of entertainment in the evening.

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