Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014-05-22: Darlington Shelter

Start: Boiling Springs, PA
Stop: Darlington Shelter
Day's Mileage: 14.3 miles
Trip Total: 71.3 miles

Ruins of an old farmhouse or other structure found at a road crossing. We left Boiling Springs, PA a few hours later and this is our first break of the day. It's a small parking lot alongside a county road.

The first stile we've encountered in Pennsylvania. Stiles are used to provide hikers a way over fences while still preventing animals from passing through or over. This was an easy stile. Some are not so well constructed or can be slippery in the rain.

A white blaze painted on a post next to a field. The Pennsylvania Turnpike is about a quarter mile to our left and we've been able to hear it for about 45 minutes.

A small cemetery next to the Trail.

The Pennsylvania Turnpike as we pass over it. By the end of the Summer, we'll have passed over interstates, turnpikes, state and U.S. highways, county roads, and many other bits and pieces of transportation infrastructure. It's not uncommon for drivers to notice us and honk and wave, as this trucker did.

More farmlands.

Bogey's feet. She's suffering from some sort of rash which has left red welts.

Finally, we're back in the mountains and out of the Cumberland Valley.

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