Wednesday, May 28, 2014

2014-05-28: PA 645/Pine Grove, PA

Start: PA 645/Pine Grove, PA
Stop: PA 645/Pine Grove, PA
Day's Mileage: 0 miles
Trip Total: 127.2 miles

We pull our first "zero," a day in which we hike zero miles. Occasionally we need such breaks to repair gear and let our bodies rest. Much more common, though, are "nearos" or "neros" -- an arrangement where you camp just shy of town, stay one night, and then head back out the next.

Taping my foot to reduce the pain and damage from plantar fasciitis. So far, it seems to be working. Ball and heel of foot still bruised, swollen, and tender but that's tons better than the seeming slow motion tearing of the bottom of my foot from the rest of my foot. Geez.

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