Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014-05-24: Kinter View

Start: Duncannon, PA
Stop: Kinter View
Day's Mileage: 13.6 miles
Trip Total: 96.3 miles
The Susquehanna River as seen from the highway bridge crossing it. The highway department kindly provides a sidewalk separated from the bridge by a concrete guardrail. We were set upon by two peregrine falcons at the north end of the bridge, a common occurrence, we learned from other hikers. The falcons have a nest under the bridge which they defend. The swoops and screeching were enough that I put my trekking poles over my head and waved them around. I'm sure drivers passing by thought I was crazy.

Bogey doing her favorite thing: standing on rocks and looking victorious and pleased at conquering another climb.

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