Friday, May 23, 2014

2014-05-23: Market St/Duncannon, PA

Start: Darlington Shelter
Stop: Duncannon, PA
Day's Mileage: 11.4 miles
Trip Total: 82.7 miles

A view provided by a cut through the trees. Most such cuts are provided for utilities easements, such as power lines and gas pipelines. This one was for a gas pipeline.

A view down to a stream or small river (in the foreground) feeding the Susquehanna River (in the background). The Susquehanna River marks the halfway point for the Trail across Pennsylvania.

Bogey, making her way across a rocky section heading down to the the town of Duncannon, PA. the descent was the steepest we've seen so far but not uncommon on the Trail.

Well, if that's not a deal then I don't know what is.

Our room at the Stardust Motel in Duncannon, PA. The room was alright by hiker standards but by no means 4 or 5 stars. Our other choice of accommodations was the Doyle Hotel in town. We were put off by its reputation as a true dive and a party place. We don't necessarily mind dives when it comes to restaurants and the occasional bar, but neither one of us wanted to sleep with bugs after having done so in the woods for several days. We were also creeped out by the manner in which a number of locals recommended it -- we both felt the situation came straight out of a B-grade horror movie. "Try the Doyle -- you'll love it. Hikers never leave..." The Stardust suited us just find and had laundry machines upstairs and the owner gave us a ride back to town in the morning.

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